Friday, October 24, 2014


lol. I guess I have seriously not touched this blog in a hell of a long time!

Let's just say it was a very busy year.

To start off firstly, I met a handsome and wonderful Australian guy in roughly around the beginning of March 2014. My life has changed a lot since i met this fella. Not only he visited my home country with me but we also eventually decided to be together and live together after a couple of months.

I have to admit, I was pretty nervous about moving in with him as I have never move out of my family's home before.

But, it was not so bad after all.

Of course we had our ups and downs but I knew that this guy was the right guy for me.

Why? well we just click really well in so many ways.

The best part i love about him is, he looks after me. I don't care if a guy showers me with gifts and what not. I feel very spoiled if my boyfriend looks after me. He considers how i feel such as when I'm hungry, and he quickly cooks dinner for me and it was his turn to cook. He's a very give and take kinda guy. Although some people find it a chore, i find joy when making coffee for my boyfriend in the mornings. I don't know why but looking after each other, that is love to me.

 It is nearly coming to 3 years for me to live in Perth and ever since i met my boyfriend, i begin to fall in love with Perth more and more as time goes by.

My boyfriend showed me to wonderful places that i have never been before, and it made me feel like Perth was not so boring and small after all.

Aside from that, I have came to a point where instead of nursing, i would like to aim towards Journalism instead. Although I was not a fan of reading or writing too much, i have been inspired recently ever since i started my EILTS course. 

Still trying to figure out the path in my life. I'm sure everyone has gone through that stage at some point.

Other than that, not much. I have been trying to avoid looking at the computer screen, i tend to get grumpy if i do!

So i have decided to take up new interests such as reading, gardening and writing.

Currently i am reading Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater which i recommend to all as it is an interesting story.

I recently planted some pumpkins in my garden and so far they have sprouted well! i am so proud.

lastly, i have been writing in my journal for some time to recall what i have done over the days or weeks in the month.

So i am trying to be productive lately haha!

Anyway, i will leave it as that right here.

I'm not sure when i will update this blog again, i just felt sorry for it as i have not touched it for such a long time.

But i will come back at some point again, just not sure exactly when.

Have a good day!